Tuesday, November 1, 2016

#2 REGULAR: Edgar Allan Poe

1. Click here to look at images from the story "The Masque of the Red Death".
a. Describe what you see.
b. Based on the images, what do you think the story will be about?

2. Look up these words on dictionary.com. Write the definitions.
a. pestilence
b. dissolution
c. dauntless
d. hale
e. ingress/egress
f. contagion

3. Based on the words listed above, what do you expect from the story itself?

4. Have you read any Edgar Allan Poe stories or poems? Name them and/or describe what they were about.

5. Go here and read about the theories regarding E.A. Poe's death.
a. Which theory seems most plausible (possible, believable) to you? Why?
b. Which theory seems most implausible (unbelievable, probably not true) to you? Why?