Wednesday, October 17, 2018

#3 Regular: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

a Sermon by Jonathan Edwards

Part A: Biography

Visit this link to learn about Jonathan Edwards' life and answer the questions below.

1. When and where was he born? 
2. Where did he attend college? What was remarkable about his college experience? 
3. The second paragraph discusses Edwards' undergoing a change in his beliefs. At first, he had a hard time believing that God was sovereign
     a. Look up sovereign on and write the meaning. 
     b. Explain in your own words the change that Edwards went through.

Part B: The Great Awakening

Click here to visit this website, and use it to answer the following questions:
1. What caused The Great Awakening?
2. Who was involved in The Great Awakening?
3. What were the effects of The Great Awakening?

Visit this link to watch a video about The Great Awakening. #4-8 Take five notes on the video. 

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