Friday, November 22, 2019

Titak's 11th grade: Puritans Background

Assignment Directions: Title a piece of lined paper Puritans: Blog Assignment #1. For each section, write the title of the section and number your responses.

Part A: Puritan Plain Style

DirectionsClick here to get the definition for Puritan Plain Style. Use the website to answer #1-4 below. 
1. Write the definition of Puritan Plain Style.
2. Why was this writing style favored by Puritans?
3, 4. Read about the two poems described on the website. Write the name, author, and a fact about each poem from what you just read.
5. Infer: Why do you think Puritans wrote poetry? Make an inference based on what you know about Puritans as well as your thoughts on humans, words, and art.

Part B: William Bradford

Directions: Click here  to read about William Bradford. Use the website to answer the questions below. 

1-4. Using the first paragraph, list four important accomplishments that William Bradford made.
5. Where did William Bradford live after moving away from England, but before moving to Plymouth Colony?
6. What was the name of the "first new world social contract"?
7. Who signed the contract mentioned in question 6?
8. Infer: What expectations do you think were mentioned in the document from question 6? Think of at least two.

Part C: Videos

1-5. Put headphones on and watch this video about Puritan myths (incorrect stories). What are the five myths about Puritans discussed in the video?

6. Speculate: What motivations might cause an individual to choose to make the voyage to America as part of the Puritan migration? Think of at least three life factors, personality traits, or goals.

Part D: Plymouth Theme Park

DirectionsClick here and scroll halfway down the page to click the button "view the slide show now" to view a slide show of a modern version of Plymouth Plantation.

1. Describe five items that you saw on the slide show.
2. Name two people that you saw on the slide show.
3. Describe three activities that you saw on the slide show.

4. Speculate: Do you think the Plimoth Plantation Visitor's Center would be a good place to get historically accurate information about the Puritans? Explain why or why not.