Friday, October 12, 2018

#3 Honors: The American Renaissance

1. Click here and look at the first bullet point to copy a definition of American Renaissance.

2. Click here to Google the definition of Renaissance, NOT as it applies to the European Renaissance, but just the word itself. What does it mean in Old French? 

3. Click here to find out when the American Renaissance occurred. What were the approximate years?

4. Click here and write the names of at least six important authors from this time period. What do you notice about their names? 

5. Click here to find out about some important literary and intellectual issues that were going on at the time of the American Renaissance (look at the chart). List them below. Put stars by anything that sounds familiar to you. 

6. Click here to find out about some important cultural and historical issues that were going on at the time of the American Renaissance (look at the chart). List them below. Put stars by anything that sounds familiar to you. 

7. Click here to find out why this period was considered so great (near the bottom of the page). 

8. Click here to find out what American Romanticism is. Read the "In a Nutshell" section. Come up with a definition for American Romanticism based on what you read. What inspired American Romanticism? What values and topics were important to this movement?

9. Click here to find out what Transcendentalism is. Read the "In a Nutshell" section. Come up with a definition for Transcendentalism based on what you read. What did Transcendentalists value? What topics and values were important to this movement?

10. Click here to view this Prezi comparing and contrasting Romanticism and Transcendentalism. Do you think you personally would make a better Transcendentalist or Romanticist? Provide three reasons for your classification of yourself. 

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